Finboot Leverages Algorand for a Sustainable and Efficient Blockchain Solution

Aled Davies, Technical Lead at Finboot.
June 26, 2024

Blockchain: Why Do We Need It?

Blockchain technology fundamentally serves as a digital ledger that records transactions across a network of independent contributors. This decentralized nature enhances the security of the network. Once a transaction is recorded, it cannot be altered retroactively. In simpler terms, this means that the transaction records are permanent, which we describe as 'immutable.’

This immutability is crucial for improving supply chain management across various industries for several reasons:

  • Transparency: In a blockchain-enabled supply chain management system, transparency ensures the independent verification of claims. By storing supply chain events on the blockchain, customers can prove that events actually occurred, enhancing trust throughout the supply chain process.
  • Security: The strong cryptographic nature of blockchain makes it highly secure. There is no single point of failure, making each transaction's authenticity and accuracy the cornerstone of blockchain's application. In supply chain management, this verifiability is critical for maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of the entire supply chain network.

These features make blockchain an important tool for companies looking to improve the integrity of their supply chain operations. By using this technology, businesses can ensure greater compliance with regulatory standards, foster trust with their consumers, and streamline their operations and trustworthiness.

Introduction and Advantages of Algorand

Algorand is recognized as a pioneering blockchain platform designed with a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability, speed, and low operating costs. Algorand supports the creation of greener blockchain solutions, making it an attractive choice for us and our customers who are looking to reduce their ecological footprint.

Energy Efficiency:
Algorand’s architecture is specifically designed to reduce its energy use, supporting rigorous environmental sustainability goals. The efficiency comes from Algorand’s decision-making process, utilizing a consensus algorithm called Pure Proof of Stake (PPoS). Unlike other blockchain technologies that require significant amounts of energy to secure the network, PPoS minimizes energy consumption. This is because it relies on a system where network participants are randomly selected to verify the transactions, reducing the need for energy-intensive computing tasks.

Security and Transparency:
Security is a cornerstone of Algorand’s design and their commitment to transparency is visible from its open-source codebase. The platform’s transparent operations enhance accountability and governance, crucial for organizations committed to high standards of social responsibility.

These characteristics make Algorand the ideal blockchain platform for Marco Track and Trace and for those seeking to improve the integrity and efficiency of their operations while at the same time following strong environmental and governance standards.

Updating to use Algorand and its Impact

We chose to expand our operations to use Algorand as the main blockchain solution for Marco Track & Trace (T&T) due the scalability and the operational improvements the network offers. These enhancements allow us to scale our services in tandem with the growing demands of our customers and to extend robust support to new clients. Algorand's architecture is adept at managing large volumes of transactions efficiently, maintaining high speeds that are essential for handling complex supply chains in near real-time. 

Moreover, the compatibility of Algorand with our existing infrastructure allows for seamless integration without the need for a complete system overhaul. This compatibility facilitates a smoother adoption, reducing the time and resources needed for implementation.

Environmental Alignment

We previously highlighted Algorand's strong sustainability guarantees, which closely align with our environmental goals. This influenced our decision to adopt Algorand, as its energy-efficient approach minimizes environmental impact, reflecting our commitment to sustainable practices across our business.

Benefits to Customers:

For our customers, the transition to Algorand for Marco Track & Trace will be seamless, requiring no effort on their part. By integrating Algorand’s high-performance capabilities, we offer near real-time verifiability of supply chains with enhanced scale and capacity to meet higher demands. 

Additionally, the use of Algorand’s environmentally friendly blockchain technology reduces our ecological impact, aligning with our sustainability commitments and ensuring that we meet the environmental expectations of our customers. 

This transition emphasizes our dedication to operational excellence and environmental responsibility. While also strengthening the trust our customers place in us as a forward-thinking partner in supply chain management.

ESG Reporting and Compliance

Algorand's blockchain technology significantly enhances our ability to meet stringent ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting requirements through its capacity to maintain immutable and accurate data. This is essential for ESG compliance as it ensures the recorded information—ranging from energy usage and waste management to corporate governance—accurately reflects what actually happened, without the risk of post-recording manipulation.

Verification of Sustainability Claims

The transition to Algorand aids in accurately verifying sustainability claims, a critical factor in combating greenwashing. Greenwashing is 

The act of providing the public or investors with misleading or outright false information about the environmental impact of a company's products and operations. - Investopedia

Leveraging blockchain technology, Marco Track & Trace can provide a verifiable and transparent account of sustainability efforts. Everything is recorded and then “stamped” onto the blockchain to build up the Digital Product Passport (DPP). DPP’s allow for verification of compliance with environmental standards and practices. This transparency enhances the trust and credibility of our clients brand in the eyes of their customers, regulators and the broader public.

These advancements in ESG reporting and compliance underscore our commitment to upholding the highest standards of environmental and ethical conduct, ensuring that our operations are sustainable and transparent at every level.

Future Outlook

Looking ahead, our migration to Algorand sets us up for significant future gains in supply chain transparency, security, and operational efficiency. By leveraging Algorand's capabilities, we anticipate scaling our services to meet growing customer demand while ensuring seamless real-time traceability and the immutability of transactions. This will also enhance our compliance with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) standards.

In the coming years, we will continue to innovate with blockchain technology, allowing us to bring new solutions to the marketplace and identify real-world use cases that maximize the potential of this technology. By leveraging Algorand’s capabilities, we aim to find unique ways to solve logistical challenges, improve efficiency, and maintain the integrity of data across the supply chain.

This migration underscores our dedication to innovation and ethical conduct, empowering us to adapt swiftly to regulatory changes and shifting customer expectations. By staying at the forefront of blockchain adoption, we remain a step ahead in providing future-ready, efficient, and sustainable supply chain management solutions that will benefit our clients and stakeholders for years to come.


About Algorand

Algorand is an energy-efficient, quantum-secure, single-layer blockchain with instant finality, consistently high throughput, and low fees. Designed by Turing Award-winning cryptographer Silvio Micali, it is built for real-world scale.

Algorand has grown into a vibrant ecosystem of developers, entrepreneurs, and enterprise partners that benefit from institutional-grade certainty and resilience. Its fees, instant finality, and a minimal carbon footprint appeal to the protocol's millions of retail users, and developers of all kinds appreciate the ability to use common programming languages like Python. Builders on Algorand are creating protocols and companies that solve important problems at a global scale: instant payments in war and disaster zones, self-sovereign identity for the disenfranchised, supply-chain traceability for global commerce, permissionless protocols addressing financial inclusion, and the creation of entirely new markets through tokenization, to name a few. To learn more and start your journey on Algorand, visit .

About Algorand Foundation

Algorand’s mission is to power a world where information has integrity and innovative ideas can scale. The Algorand Foundation supports Algorand’s rapidly growing ecosystem by providing a best-in-class developer environment, supporting key infrastructure and setting technical standards, offering comprehensive support to builders and entrepreneurs, and providing the framework for decentralized governance.

Founded by Turing Award-winning cryptographer Silvio Micali in 2019, Algorand has grown into a vibrant ecosystem of developers, entrepreneurs, and enterprise partners that benefit from institutional-grade certainty and resilience. Its fees, instant finality, and a minimal carbon footprint appeal to the protocol's millions of retail users, and developers of all kinds appreciate the ability to use common programming languages like Python. Builders on Algorand are creating protocols and companies that solve important problems at a global scale: instant payments in war and disaster zones, self-sovereign identity for the disenfranchised, supply-chain traceability for global commerce, permissionless protocols addressing financial inclusion, and the creation of entirely new markets through tokenization, to name a few. To learn more and start your journey on Algorand, visit